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Hitting the mark at 100yrd or surviving the hit? (MM & S

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Hitting the mark at 100yrd or surviving the hit? (MM & S Empty Hitting the mark at 100yrd or surviving the hit? (MM & S

Post  Cyp Tue Sep 25, 2007 5:03 am

So, I'm mostly MM and a little bit of Survival. Fer me nice traps to last a wee bit longer and other useful stuff.

But, cheking Nihilum main hunter I saw he's almost full Survival. All talk is about being MM in raids and so on, but that got me thinking. We are gonna do 10/25 man raids and so on, so what's best.

All ye wee little hunters, but down your blunderblusses and little bows and have your say on things.


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Hitting the mark at 100yrd or surviving the hit? (MM & S Empty Re: Hitting the mark at 100yrd or surviving the hit? (MM & S

Post  Tharprun Wed Oct 03, 2007 10:40 am

Well in my opinion, Beastmastery is by far the best specc for a hunter to raid with.
That Nihilums main hunter is full survival isn't that important tbh. You can't copy other players speccs and then expect them to work perfectly for you aswell.

I have chosen my own specc my self: 41/20/0 - because i think that is what suits me the best.

I can't say how good full survival or a mix of MM and survival is, i just know what is best for me. :-)


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